Tat-Seng Chua教授

简介:Dr Chua is the KITHCT Chair Professor at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore. He was the Acting and Founding Dean of the School from 1998-2000. Dr Chua’s main research interest is in multimedia information retrieval and social media analytics. In particular, his research focuses on the extraction, retrieval and question-answering (QA) of text and rich media arising from the Web and multiple social networks. He is the co-Director of NExT, a joint Center between NUS and Tsinghua University to develop technologies for real-time social media search. Dr Chua is the 2015 winner of the prestigious ACM SIGMM award for Outstanding Technical Contributions to Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications. He is the Chair of steering committee of ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) and Multimedia Modeling (MMM) conference series. Dr Chua is also the General Co-Chair of ACM Multimedia 2005, ACM CIVR (now ACM ICMR) 2005, ACM SIGIR 2008, and ACM Web Science 2015. He serves in the editorial boards of four international journals. Dr. Chua is the co-Founder of two technology startup companies in Singapore. He holds a PhD from the University of Leeds, UK.
报告题目:From Object Detection to Relation Inferencing in Videos
摘要:We are experiencing an unprecedented evolution of deep learning techniques in multimedia. As a holy grail of Artificial Intelligence, the task of connecting vision and language perhaps gains the most appreciable benefits in recent years. For example, today’s machines are able to outperform humans in a controlled large-scale visual recognition, and describe or answer questions about an image/video in natural language. This has made possible the industry deployment of a range of visual oriented applications such as fashion, home furnishing and product search. In this talk, I will first provide a brief retrospect of the progress of the connection in the pre- and current deep learning era. Then, I will outline some applications of visual technology in several vertical domains. Next, I will introduce our recent works in addressing what is missing in the state-of-the-art paradigm, including the groundings of open-vocabulary and deeper scene understanding such as object relations. Lastly, we will discuss recent work in video analytics and several interesting future research directions.

组委会: 聂礼强 (山东大学) 陈竹敏 (山东大学) 甘 甜 (山东大学) 宋雪萌 (山东大学) 刘 倩 (山东大学)
地点:济南市舜华路1500号山东大学齐鲁软件学院校区 办公楼二层圆形报告厅